PistolGuard Pepper Spray
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PistolGuard Pepper Spray  PG-1
PistolGuard PG-1
PistolGuard PG-1
Suggested Retail Price:
US$44.95 each

Originally developed and tested for use by law enforcement and the military, the Pistolguard provides the safety of distance and multiple shot fire power. It projects the 10% pepper spray in a wide angle and over 20 feet, making it suitable for multiple attackers. It comes with a 300 gram cartridge. The unit is 10 inches long and 5.75 inches high. Powerful, yet non-lethal.
  • Sprays multiple attackers
  • Extra Cartridges are $19.95 each - Item: PGC-1
  • Order extra cartridges for just $19.95 each - ORDER - PGC-1
Made in USA

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Currency US$
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  PistolGuard Pepper Spray  PG-1  39.95 each

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